
: Jual !!! Total Station Topcon GTS 235N, 233N, GPT-

Judul*: Jual !!! Total Station Topcon GTS 235N, 233N, GPT-7501

Deskripsi*: Total Station TOPCON / Topcon Total Stations

Product Total Station Topcon Series yang kami tawarkan, diantaranya : Total Station Topcon GTS-102N, Total Station Topcon GTS-233N, Total Station Topcon GTS-235N, Total Station Topcon GTS-236N, Total Station Topcon GTS-239N, Total Station Topcon GTS-751, Total Station Topcon GTS-752, Total Station Topcon GTS-753, Total Station Topcon GTS-755, Total Station Topcon GPT-3002LN, Total Station Topcon GPT-3003LN, Total Station Topcon GPT-3005LN, Total Station Topcon GPT-3007LN, Total Station Topcon GPT-3102N, Total Station Topcon GPT-3103N, Total Station Topcon GPT-3105N, Total Station Topcon GPT-3107N, Total Station Topcon GPT-7501, Total Station Topcon GPT-7502, Total Station Topcon GPT-7503, Total Station Topcon GPT-7505

Complete With :
- 2Bh Aluminium Tripod
- Prism Polygon
- Single Prism
- Range Pole
- Cable Data
- Software Data

Kami adalah supplier GPS Trimble, Digital Theodolite, Total Station, Waterpass, Automatic Level, GPS Magellan Triton, GPS Magellan Explorist, GPS Garmin, GPS Mio, GPS Geodetik, GPS Magellan Exsplorist, GPS Furuno, Kompas Suunto, Kompas Brunton, Clinometer, Altimeter, GPS Spectra, Kompas Geologi, Laser Meter / Leica Distometer, Binoculars / Teropong, Planimeter, Measuring Tape, Leveling Laser, Palu Geologi, Loupe Rouper, Sunlite E1, Hammer Test, Handy Talky, Radio RIG, Telephone Satellite, Repeater, Perahu Karet / Rubber Boat, Lux Meter, PH Meter, Hammer Test, Rain Gauge, Weather Station, Anemometer, Sound Level, Measuring Instruments, Nikon Forestry, Telpon Satelit dll.


Pembayaran dapat dilakukan dengan cara Cash On Delivery / Transfer Bank.

* C.O.D. ( Cash On Delivery / Bayar ditempat)
Khusus nuntuk wilayah Jabotabek kami melayani pemesanan dengan cara pembayaran di tempat anda, Prosesnya :

1. Pesanan anda kami antar ke tempat anda
2. Setelah anda terima silahkan cek kelengkapan dan kualitas barang
3. Bila sudah ' OK' dan tidak ada masalah baru dibayar
Pembayaran ditempat bisa dalam bentuk tunai ataupun Transfer .

Untuk info dan harga terbaik, silahkan hubungi :

Mr.Rian Hadianto
HP : 021-90390198
081398390838 / 085710097032
PIN BB : 27EC4181
Email : rian.gps@ / rian.survey21@

Nama*: Rian Hadianto



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